Collaborative, facilitated workshops for leaders in science, research groups, project teams and meetings that matter

Research and science thrive on interaction, collaboration, and shared insights—but enabling meaningful dialogue isn’t always straightforward.

As experienced facilitators, we have decades of experience of designing workshops that use proven processes to make sure that all voices are heard, creativity thrives, decisions are made, and that encourage conversations to flow in directions where they achieve actionable results.

When is facilitation useful?

Facilitation has a role to play whenever you want to gather a group of people to be creative, build consensus, and new ways of working.

Science Communication Coaching

What to expect if we work together


How we support you

We work with you to design workshops that are tailored for the group so that we can address your unique challenges and objectives whilst making sure that people feel heard as we are untangling important issues.


Our approach

We adopt a focused and flexible approach to our work, planning meticulously in advance, and being adaptable on the day to respond to unexpected changes or emerging needs.


Results and outcomes

Workshops and facilitated sessions that have meaningful outcomes for your organisation, the organisers, and the participants. Win, win, win.

Want to know more?

Learn more about our toolbox and where we’ve facilitated workshops, or simply get in touch for a chat about your gathering.

Tools in our toolbox

We draw on a colourful collection of facilitation tools, methodologies and approaches, choosing a combination that is right for your group and that will result in clear and successful outcomes. Our choice of tools varies depending on where we are, too, because to be effective, online or in person workshops need different approaches.

Here’s a small selection of the tools we use on a regular basis:

  • Futures Methods, including Horizon Scanning, Emerging Issues Analysis, Alternative Scenarios, Backcasting, and Actionable Futures tools
  • Liberating Structures
  • ICA’s ToP Focused Conversation and Consensus Workshops
  • Visioning
  • World Café
  •’s Tools for Taking Action
  • Design Sprints
  • Six Thinking Hats
  • Open Space Technology/Unconference
  • Brainstorming Resources by IDEO U
  • A wide range of interactive canvases, sometimes “as is”, sometimes custom designed
  • World-class simulations and gamified approaches
  • And of course, useful online tools like Zoom, Mural, Miro, Jamboard, Mentimeter and more.


Think a conversation might be useful?

Examples of our faciltation

We have facilitated workshops for:

Transformative Urban Coalitions Project
Two-day team building and project kick-off with participants from 12 countries within UNU-EHS (UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security), IDOS (Institute of Development and Sustainability), WRI (World Resources Institute) and IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)

AURORA Emerging Scholars Retreat
A five-day series of facilitated workshops to build teams, break down silos, encourage creative thinking and innovation, and explore opportunities for collaboration.

University of Innsbruck
Multiple one-day workshops on climate change and climate futures.

United Nations University
→ A series of workshops for a two-day leadership retreat
→ One day horizon scanning workshop

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Half-day Futures Literacy and Futures Thinking workshop

UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security
→ Half-day vision, mission and purpose workshop
→ Half-day risk and opportunities workshop
→ Half-day team problem-solving workshop


Want to hear more?